Low Water Ground Covers + Fillers
Dymondia margaretae (Silver Carpet)
This plant needs a Goldilocks amount of water to get started, but is very tough once established in FULL SUN. The major knock on Dymondia is that it requires a fair amount of weeding.
Ruschia lienolata ‘Nana’ (Dwarf Carpet of Stars)
My current favorite for filling gaps between pavers. Also works nicely tucked in around rocks / cobble. Does not require much water and should survive anywhere with 4+ hours of sun. Happiest with a tiny bit of shade. A true succulent groundcover. Feels great on bare feet.
There are some questions about lifespan, so it would be prudent not to overdo it until we have more data.
Kurapia (Lippia nodiflora)
Incredibly low water and fast growing groundcover. Two main caveats:
Needs to be contained on all sides
Attracts bees May - September (so avoid places with a lot of barefoot traffic, or be prepared to mow the flowers off when in bloom).
This is a wonderful plant, very fun. The above caveats are important, but if those don’t rule it out… this is a winner.
If you are looking for a FULL SHADE groundcover, I don’t have any good advice. If you find one, let me know!
The above notes are specific to my experiences in San Diego county where we average 10-14” of rain a year.